Year: 2023

Wakmet LRQA training – Nuclear energy in Poland

Nuclear energy in Poland, this was the title of the meeting and training in which our company participated. On October 10, our representatives Agnieszka Kuśmierczuk and Krystian Piszcz participated in a panel discussion and training entitled Nuclear energy in Poland. The training took place in Łódź and was entirely prepared by LRQA Polska. The meeting in Łódź focused on key issues related to nuclear energy, in particular its role and importance for Poland. During the event, there was a panel discussion devoted to the future of nuclear energy in the country. Speakers Etienne van Steenhoven, Simon Emeny and Chris Richold shared their knowledge about nuclear energy and the standards and regulations related to it. Topics discussed at the meeting included, among others: Methods of certification of the quality assurance system for the nuclear industry based on the ISO 19443 standard. Issues related to safety, technological innovations and potential benefits resulting from the development of nuclear energy were also discussed. The results and conclusions from this meeting will certainly influence the further activities of our company and the development of nuclear energy in Poland. A fascinating future lies ahead of us, in which nuclear energy will play an increasingly important role in shaping the national energy landscape. We also invite you to our social media

Nuclear Energy: Poland Pumps and Fittings – Symposium

Our company is honored to participate in the prestigious symposium entitled "Polish pumps and fittings for nuclear energy". This event will take place on October 4-5, 2023 at the Warszawianka hotel in Jachranka, thanks to the support of the Pump Manufacturers Association, the POLSKA ARMATURA PRZEMYSŁOWA Association and the Ministry of Climate and Environment. The event includes the participation and speeches of representatives of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, investors such as Polish Nuclear Power Plants and Orlen Synthos Green Energy, as well as representatives of the Office of Technical Inspection. Additionally, we will have the opportunity to exchange views with technology suppliers such as Westinghouse and GE Hitachi, as well as with other Polish manufacturers of pumps and fittings. On Thursday (October 5, 2023), our representative, Vice President Krzysztof Kaczmarek, will speak. He will talk about the organizational and technical challenges that accompany the supply of fittings for nuclear projects. This is a big step for our company, which will allow everyone present to learn more about nuclear energy and the challenges it involves. You can read more detailed information on the website of the SPAP association: Invitation to the symposium "POLISH PUMPS AND FITTINGS FOR NUCLEAR ENERGY" We also invite you to check out our social media.

WAKMET Employees on Two Wheels: Our Inspiring Bicycle Trip

On Saturday, September 9, 2023, our company WAKMET organized an unforgettable integration bicycle trip. It was the perfect opportunity to integrate our team. Our team of employees, full of enthusiasm and ready for the challenge, set off on a 68 km long route. Objective? Drive through the charming areas of the Czech Republic, discovering the beauty of the landscapes and building bonds with each other. From the very beginning, we were accompanied not only by the will to overcome the distance, but also by the spirit of competition and cooperation. The route of our integration bicycle trip Our route led through picturesque places such as Mikulovice, Ceska Ves, Pisecna, Lipova, Lanze, Priessnitz, up to our destination - the Jeseníky Mountains. During the entire journey, we had the opportunity to admire beautiful landscapes, passing charming villages, forests and mountain trails. The cycling adventure gave us the opportunity to break away from everyday duties and get to know each other outside the desk. However, the most important aspect of our bike trip was team integration. It is not only an opportunity to talk and laugh, but also to develop relationships between us. At work, we are often focused on tasks and goals, forgetting how important it is to build relationships with our colleagues. The bike trip allowed us to get closer, get to know each other better and understand that cooperation and support from teammates is the key to success. At the end of our trip, when we reached the Jeseníky Mountains, we were tired but full of joy and satisfaction. This trip was not only a great opportunity for physical activity, but also to strengthen our team. For our company WAKMET, this is proof that team integration is extremely important. When employees join forces and work together as one, they not only achieve better professional results, but also build lasting relationships and a positive atmosphere in the workplace. Summary Thanks to this bicycle trip, we understood that a shared adventure can be not only fun, but also a great tool for building bonds and strengthening relationships. Now we are ready for new challenges and successes at work, knowing that our team is really well-coordinated and ready to work together. Integration is the key to success, and we are ready for further joint expeditions and challenges! Photo gallery from our bicycle trip. We also invite you to check out our social networks.

The Wakmet company trains UDT employees in SPAP

From June 27, 2023 to June 28, 2023, our company, in cooperation with other valued members of the industry association, had the honor to conduct an intensive SPAP training for employees of the Office of Technical Inspection (UDT). What is SPAP training? Our company, an experienced manufacturer and supplier of industrial fittings for the industrial sector, actively participated in the organization of SPAP training (Practical Training for Industrial Equipment) for UDT employees. The aim of this initiative was to improve knowledge and skills related to the control and operation of pressure equipment in industry. We shared our knowledge and experience with the participants to contribute to better equipping the staff with practical skills. During the two-day training, specialists from Wakmet and other partners of the association conducted theoretical classes and practical workshops. Participants had the opportunity to learn about the latest standards and regulations regarding pressure equipment, as well as practical aspects of their installation, maintenance and diagnostics. SPAP training for UDT employees is an important step towards increasing safety and quality of work in the industrial sector. By exchanging knowledge and experience between experts, failures and accidents related to pressure equipment can be more effectively prevented, which is crucial for ensuring a safe working environment and protecting the natural environment. Our company and the association continue to cooperate with the Office of Technical Inspection, promoting the development of technical knowledge in the field of industrial fittings. We expect further training and initiatives to improve safety and quality of work in the industry. We encourage you to check out our social media profiles.

The Wakmet company on an economic mission in Spain

We have great pleasure to share with you exciting news from the business world. From May 28 to June 1, Wakmet had the honor to participate in an economic mission in Spain. This mission was devoted to nuclear energy. Our company received a special invitation from the Department of Nuclear Energy and the Ministry of Climate and Environment. This trip was not only an extraordinary opportunity to expand our knowledge about nuclear energy, but also an excellent opportunity to establish and develop new business contacts internationally. The economic mission took place in the beautiful country of Spain, whose landscapes and hospitality will certainly remain in our memory for a long time. One of the main points of our visit was learning about the operation of the Almaraz Nuclear Power Plant. This powerful energy installation is one of the most important nuclear energy centers in Spain. During our visit to the Almaraz Nuclear Power Plant, we had the opportunity to learn many interesting facts about the operation of the plant. We were invited to tour various sections of the plant and our guides were extremely knowledgeable and helpful in explaining the manufacturing and safety processes that play a key role in the nuclear energy sector. We learned how nuclear energy is produced, transformed and distributed to thousands of homes and businesses, providing a reliable and clean source of energy. What does this journey mean for our company? The economic mission in Spain was an extremely important step for our company in the development of our network of business contacts around the world. Thanks to this trip, we were able to meet with representatives of other companies from the nuclear energy industry, exchange experiences and discuss potential cooperation opportunities. We are glad that we could share our knowledge and gain a new perspective on the development of this dynamic industry. We would like to thank the Department of Nuclear Energy and the Ministry of Climate and Environment for inviting our company to participate in the economic mission in Spain. Thanks to this experience, our representatives gained invaluable information and knowledge that will contribute to the further development of our company and a positive impact on the energy sector. Photo report from the trip We encourage you to check out our social media profiles.

Industry 4.0 at WAKMET

Our company specializing in the production of high-pressure valves has reached another important milestone in its development. On the night of April 25, 2023, we performed remote test machining of hulls for our products. Thanks to the use of the latest technologies and IT tools, our team of engineers was able to remotely control and carry out the machining process. Remote processing of our products brings our company closer to the concept of industry 4.0. Below you will find animations from this important milestone for our company. WAKMET industry 4.0 What is industry 4.0? Industry 4.0 is a concept related to modern technologies and automation in industry. It defines an advanced level of production in which intelligent systems and tools have been implemented, allowing for the integration and automation of the entire production process. What is our company's role in this? Our company has been operating on the high-pressure valves market for years and is recognized by customers from various industries, including the petrochemical, gas and energy industries. For the company, the implementation of the latest technologies is not only a step towards its development, but also strengthens its position on the market. Follow our social media for more information.

Wakmet company invited to participate in a nuclear mission in Spain

Our company will take part in a profiled nuclear mission in Spain. We received an invitation to this event from the Department of Nuclear Energy and the Ministry of Climate and Environment. The event will take place from May 28 to June 2, and its participants will have the opportunity to visit the most important Spanish nuclear installations and meet with experts in the field of nuclear energy. The nuclear mission in Spain will be a big step for our company to exchange knowledge and experience in the field of nuclear technologies. At the same time, by participating in the event, we want to develop our network of business contacts and create new relationships with potential clients. We will publish a short report from this event on our social media.

Contract for the production of industrial valves

Conclusion of a contract for the production of industrial valves The WAKMET company has concluded a contract for the production of industrial valves. The project in which we participate is called "Modernization of high-pressure steam pipelines 13.6MPa/540°C at the Heat and Power Plant in Płock". This contract assumes 5 years of cooperation between the parties that signed it. We also invite you to take a look at our social media

Cooperation between WAKMET and EDF

Signing of a cooperation agreement between Wakmet and EDF On January 13, 2023, we had the honor, together with 5 other companies APS Energia, Hexonic, ILF Consulting and Powen-Wafapomp SA Group, to participate in the ceremony of signing cooperation agreements in the construction of nuclear power plants based on EPR technology. The entire ceremony took place in Warsaw in the building of the French Embassy. Our company was represented on site by the Head of the Marketing Department, Mr. Wojciech Markiel, and the Vice-President of the Management Board, Mr. Krzysztof Kaczmarek. Photo gallery We also invite you to check out our social media

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