The Wakmet company on an economic mission in Spain

We have great pleasure to share with you exciting news from the business world. From May 28 to June 1, Wakmet had the honor to participate in an economic mission in Spain. This mission was devoted to nuclear energy. Our company received a special invitation from the Department of Nuclear Energy and the Ministry of Climate and Environment. This trip was not only an extraordinary opportunity to expand our knowledge about nuclear energy, but also an excellent opportunity to establish and develop new business contacts internationally. The economic mission took place in the beautiful country of Spain, whose landscapes and hospitality will certainly remain in our memory for a long time. One of the main points of our visit was learning about the operation of the Almaraz Nuclear Power Plant. This powerful energy installation is one of the most important nuclear energy centers in Spain. During our visit to the Almaraz Nuclear Power Plant, we had the opportunity to learn many interesting facts about the operation of the plant. We were invited to tour various sections of the plant and our guides were extremely knowledgeable and helpful in explaining the manufacturing and safety processes that play a key role in the nuclear energy sector. We learned how nuclear energy is produced, transformed and distributed to thousands of homes and businesses, providing a reliable and clean source of energy. What does this journey mean for our company? The economic mission in Spain was an extremely important step for our company in the development of our network of business contacts around the world. Thanks to this trip, we were able to meet with representatives of other companies from the nuclear energy industry, exchange experiences and discuss potential cooperation opportunities. We are glad that we could share our knowledge and gain a new perspective on the development of this dynamic industry. We would like to thank the Department of Nuclear Energy and the Ministry of Climate and Environment for inviting our company to participate in the economic mission in Spain. Thanks to this experience, our representatives gained invaluable information and knowledge that will contribute to the further development of our company and a positive impact on the energy sector. Photo report from the trip We encourage you to check out our social media profiles.

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